Saturday, April 01, 2006

Hypnosis weight loss tape


Are hypnosis weight loss tapes for real?

You must really be wondering now if hypnosis is real and if a tape can change your weight problem into a success story. Well, the answer is yes and no at the same time. Let me explain...

You see, hypnosis is a tool. It itself is useless if it isn't utilized purpousfully. Simply passively listening to a tape will not likely yeald many results! A hypnosis weight loss tape is actually a great way to go about and a great tool for someone wanting to take action and making a real change in his or her life. But it is very important to really want the change to happen and to participate while listening.

Weight loss is a great industry nowadays as many people want too loose weight without a lot of time on their hands -- plus they don't want to change the current lifestyle -- the exact style that got them in this position in the first place. And the industry florishes as people tend to go for a diet with one product and when that product doesn't produce results, they go for another and so on...

Simply put, a hypnosis weight loss tape is an excellent tool, but without a proper, repetitive use it is worth less than the materials it was made from. Seriously. There's no magic pill for almost anything in this world and a simple recording on a tape that's supposed to induces a trance and to get a person to loose weight automatically is one of many gimmicks that claim to "do it for you" but they never deliever...

Don't get me wrong -- hypnosis is powerful and it works. But it can't work without a person's cooperation. Even with covert hypnosis the listener is (in a very subtle way) made to cooperate with the "hypnotist".

So, here are 3 keys to a successful "weight loss" session with a hypnosis tape:
  • Make sure you fully WANT the change to happen. Know that it is possible and before hand prepare time for the sessions. Put them in your scedual and stick to them. Come on, it takes only 30-45 minutes a day for a month or so. And believe me -- the results are staggering!
  • Participate in the sessions. Do exactly what the guiding voice tells you to and have full faith in it. Relax your body and mind and focus on the experience and nothing else. "Live this world" for the specified time and reach your richer inner inteligence. Just do what the hypnotist tells you
  • Repeat. Doing only one session is NOT enough. If you are to change a habit, you must DO a new habit repeatedly. It also helps a lot to somewhat change your ennvironment. You know, start visiting different places and maybe do some redecorating of your home. Make a statement that this life is over and you're determined to make a change!

Here it is. Do it this way and your hypnosis weight loss tape will work like a charm. Hope you've enjoyed this. You'll be able to read more soon as I'll do some reviews over time and wriite more on one of my favorite topics and the topic of this web site: the hypnosis weight loss tape.


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